Pick one you like!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Last Goodbye

this is one song from my favorite singer and my perfect image of husband (:P), David Cook.
it's entitled: The Last Goodbye. This particular song kinda represents David so much. Behind its rocking-full of distortion-high beat music, the lyrics are so deep, sweet, and tears bursting. So is the video clip. Behind the hard - dark audio, the moving pictures themselves are telling us about deep regrets, sadness, desperation, and sensitive side of David. Both are reflections of David's character itself. So, it can be said that this song is so David: behind his strong - rocker appearance, he has sensitive feelings and sweet heart.

here are the lyrics:

If you hear this on the radio
Then we've already said our last goodbye
I won't be there when you get home
By now there's someone else that hears you cry
I wonder if he holds you like I did
I hope that he can love you better
Cause we were everything that's right at the wrong time

I didn't want to lose you
Leave you with a broken heart
But wherever we are, we're miles apart
I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye
Oh, I didn't want to let you go
But wherever we are, we're miles apart
I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye

We were almost beautiful
A broken piece of art put on display
But we were never possible
Another perfect moment thrown away
I know somebody out there will love you
They'll be the forever we never were
Cause we were everything that's right at the wrong time

I didn't want to lose you
Leave you with a broken heart
But wherever we are, we're miles apart
I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye
Oh, I didn't want to let you go
But wherever we are, we're miles apart
I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye


If you hear this on the radio
Then we've already said our last goodbye, our last goodbye
I didn't want to lose you
Leave you with a broken heart
But wherever we are, we're miles apart
I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye

Ohhh...ohhh...ohhh (the last goodbye)
I know that we tried but this is the last goodbye

i'm not saying that this is the only song that represents him this way. most of his songs do. so i can proudly say that: David's got style. he does what he likes. he's being himself. that's why i love him

Monday, June 6, 2011

mbribik itu asik

kosakata yang menurut gue lucu dan catchy, padahal juga baru tau artinya beberapa bulan yang lalu.

emang ngga ada sih di KBBI, karena emang kata ini bukan bahasa Indonesia. dibilang bahasa jawa, juga bukan, soalnya kayaknya ngga ada di KBBJ (kamus besar bahasa jawa), apalagi KBBA (kamus besar bahasa alay). jadi, mbribik ini kayak bahasa slang-nya anak2 di jogja, yang artinya more or less hampir sama kayak open relationship (bukan, bukan HTS, tapi lebih ke TTM kali ya :D), tapi lebih ke arah yg santai dan having fun aja menurut definisi gue. tapi kalo definisi umumnya sih ya lebih ke 'naksir-naksiran' ato 'ngecengin' gitu lah.

kosa kata itu emang lagi happening banget diomongin kalo pas gue lagi nggosip bareng temen2. ngga cuma itu, kosa kata itu juga lagi happening di kehidupan sosial gue.
jadi, sepanjang semester ini gue ngikutin cukup banyak kegiatan yang mengharuskan gue ketemu sama banyak orang - orang baru. mulai dari nge-EO DBL jogja, kerja di expansion AIESEC UGM (yang membuat gue harus ikut national conference di puncak), sampe ikutan forum budaya se-ASEAN. sepanjang kegiatan - kegiatan itu, pasti lah gue punya banyak kenalan baru. dan emang dasar sifat gue, gampang enjoy sama orang dan anxious kalo ketemu orang baru, daaaaaaan jadinya (bukannya ge-er) ada beberapa yang berekspektasi sama gue, dan LAGI-LAGI gue enjoy dan ngeladenin aja ahahaha.

perasaan kalo lagi mbribik itu yaaa gitu deh, kayak kalo lagi PDKT. deg-deg serr, penuh tanda tanya dan bunga - bunga (apa deh). dan asiknya, mbribik versi gue kan open relationship, jadinya belom ada komitmen dan berarti gue masih free! sehinggaaaa, gue bisa bebas mau mbribik berapa orang pun ahahahaha. nggak ada yang berhak ngelarang-larang dan cemburu dan segepok peraturan yang mengikat. misalnya, kalo satu bribikan lagi sibuk, gue bisa 'ditemenin' bribikan yg lain, begitu seterusnya. so goodbye loneliness! :))

lebih asik lagi kalo punya bribikan dari berbagai macam latar belakang. misalnya kita sebut bribikan pertama = B1 dst. B1: mahasiswa S2 yg penggila film, duda beranak 2 tapi berjiwa muda. B2: cowok jerman petualang yg kuliah teknik otomotif, kerjaannya hiking, climbing, dll. B3: cowok turki super ganteng umur 21 taun yang penuh kejutan (hahaha, sempet ngajak nikah) B4: cowok filipina yang baik banget, suaranya bikin leleh kalo pas nyanyi dan suka musik pop.

dari berbagai latar belakang itu kita jadi bisa memahami karakter-karakter orang lebih variatif, lebih luas juga pengetahuan kita, lebih bisa berkomunikasi dari A-Z, lebih bisa melihat sesuatu dari berbagai sudut pandang, bikin kita jadi orang yang lebih fleksibel dan open-minded.

cuman, gue tau gue harus ati2 dalam proyek bribikan ini (ceileh, apadeh). jangan sampe gue terjerumus sama peraturan yang gue buat sendiri. kalo emang niat mbribik ya mbribik aja, kalo ke arah yang serius, ntar dulu, udah beda sphere dan ceritanya lagi. gue juga baru aja putus kan, masih pengen bebenah dulu, pengen menikmati jomblo dulu, dan pengen menikmati asiknya mbribik :D