here i share . here i cry . here i laugh . here i'm proud . here i'm shy . here i'm happy . here i'm sad . here i'm calm . here i'm shaking . here i am . myself . through ages . time after time
Pick one you like!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
a call
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I Don't Wanna Fight
Monday, October 25, 2010
My Favorite Quotes
'love is sincerity, loving is happiness, and being loved is perfection .' (myself - 2007) '...cause i know, if i love you, then i should let you move on...' (Mike O'Donnell - 17Again, 2009) 'everything is insignificant, but it doesn't matter, at least you do it, because if you don't, who will?' (Tyler Hawkins, Remember Me - 2010) 'my dream man is someone who is smart, sexy, never fails me, treats me like his princess, composes me romantic lullabies, sweeps off my feet and leads me up the stairwell. but, you're a lot better then that dream man, because you're real.' (myself - 2010. Inspired by: 500 Days Of Summer, 2009) |
Saturday, October 23, 2010
On a Yahoo Messenger chatting this morning…
Me : I had a dream about you last night
Him : me too.
Me : yeah? How was it?
Him : we kissed. How was yours?
Me : we kissed
Friday, October 22, 2010
hair cut
i've had so often bad hair days recently. until at some point i couldn't handle it anymore, so i decided to cut it. before that, i wanted to ask Anwar about it first.
one day, when i was chatting with him on skype, i sent him an old photo of me having short hair. after that, i asked:
me : hon, what if i cut my hair just like in that photo i've just sent to you?
him : you've cut your hair?
me : no, not yet. but i'm going to. that's why i ask you first. what do you think?
him : beautiful
me : umm, i mean, is it okay for you if i cut my hair?
him : you cut it, or you don't, just the same for me. the same beautiful.
me : *sent him a hugging emoticon*
ps. i haven't cut my hair yet by now anyway
Monday, October 18, 2010
Your Love
every time i close my eyes and say my prayer at night
i thank God each day for your love
that gives me wings to fly up high
to reach my dream aim for the sky, you always said:
your head up high, smile on your face and wish
that you will always be loved
the stars will lead you every step you take
don’t you ever be afraid, believe in you
and I’ll be there to guide you wherever you may go
thank you for your love, forever
when I am down and the things go wrong, the world against me too
I close my eyes and think of you, and knew what you would say now:
your head up high, smile on your face and wish
that you will always be loved
the stars will lead you every step you take
don’t you ever be afraid, believe in you
and I’ll be there to guide you wherever you may go
thank you for your love forever,
for giving me my wings to fly high
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
a letter for you
Yogyakarta, October 6th 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I made this review to fulfill my college task in Studies of Film class
“I was born under unusual circumstances” adalah kalimat inti dari cerita dalam film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Film yang disadur dari buku karangan F.Scott Fitzgerald dengan judul yang sama ini berkisah tentang seseorang bernama Benjamin yang terlahir dalam keadaan yang tidak biasa, yaitu berfisik seorang tua, pada akhir Perang Dunia I. Bersamaan dengan itu, seorang pengrajin jam bernama Mr Geteau meresmikan jam buatannya yang berputar ke arah yang berlawanan dengan jam-jam biasa. Jam ini pun menjadi analogi dan cerminan hidup Benjamin.
Benjamin kecil tidak diinginkan oleh ayahnya sendiri karena ia tampak seperti makhluk tua yang mengerikan. Ayahnya kemudian meletakkannya begitu saja di sebuah rumah yang ternyata adalah sebuah panti jompo. Pengurus panti tersebut lalu merawat dan membesarkan Benjamin dengan penuh kasih. Di panti itu Benjamin mendapatkan banyak sekali pembelajaran hidup. Dia melihat orang-orang di sekitarnya menua dan mati, sementara semakin hari ia malah semakin muda. Benjamin bekerja sebagai awak kapal, pergi ke rumah bordil dan minum, berkelana ke banyak negara, bertemu wanita, bertemu ayahnya, dan terlibat dalam perang. Dengan keadaan aneh yang dimilikinya, malah membuatnya mendapatkan kesempatan dalam hidup yang tidak dialami orang lain. Satu per satu orang-orang di sekitarnya meninggalkan dirinya, termasuk ayahnya dan ibu asuhnya.
Saat Benjamin dewasa, ia bertemu kembali dengan teman masa kecilnya, Daisy, yang kini sudah tumbuh menjadi seorang wanita penari yang cantik. Setelah melalui berbagai halangan, akhirnya mereka bersatu. Mereka bertemu di tengah, baik secara fisik maupun usia. Namun, tak lama muncullah konflik. Benjamin yang menyadari bahwa ia akan semakin muda mulai khawatir dengan masa depan keluarganya. Akan sangat menyedihkan apabila ia nantinya menjadi teman bermain anaknya alih-alih menjadi sosok ayah. Maka ia memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Daisy dan anaknya yang masih bayi untuk menjalani hidupnya sendiri. Semakin hari, Benjamin semakin muda secara fisik, dan meninggal dalam wujud bayi kecil di pelukan Daisy setelah beberapa waktu sebelumnya, jam terbalik Mr Geteau diturunkan dan diganti dengan jam digital.
Film produksi Amerika Serikat yang disutradarai oleh David Fincher ini bersetting tahun 1918 sampai dengan 2008. Beralur flashback dengan tulisan buku harian Benjamin dan cerita Daisy tua sebagai titik baliknya. Film ini meraih banyak penghargaan, termasuk piala Oscar dalam tiga kategori sekaligus, yaitu Best Achievement in Art Director, Best Achievement in Make Up, dan Best Achievement in Visual Effects.
Film yang dibintangi Brad Pitt ini sarat akan makna dan pesan-pesan kehidupan dalam ceritanya, yang diwakili oleh kehidupan Benjamin Button sendiri. Mengajarkan kita menghargai waktu, memaknai hidup, dan mengerti betapa pentingnya arti seseorang yang kita cintai. Kejadian-kejadian yang tampaknya kecil dan sepele dalam film ini sebenarnya memiliki makna mendalam yang berhubungan dengan filosofi kehidupan.
Saya sendiri sangat menyukai film ini karena menurut saya, film ini menyuguhkan cerita yang tidak biasa. Hal-hal kecil dalam hidup dapat dikemas dan dibingkai menjadi sebuah film yang sangat menarik dan berkualitas. Dengan setting yang sesuai dan make up luar biasa serta pemilihan cast yang tepat film ini tampak sangat nyata, walaupun beberapa kali terdapat kebetulan-kebetulan yang tampaknya agak sedikit dipaksakan. Namun, alasan saya yang paling utama adalah film ini mampu membuat kita lebih bercermin, merenungi kehidupan, dan menemukan pembelajaran-pembelajaran di dalamnya.
“Life can only be understood backward. It must be lived forward.”
”Benjamin, we’re meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us?”
“Life is a series of intersecting lives and incidents, out of anyone’s control.”
“Time is passing, even backwards.”
“Life isn't measured in minutes, but in moments.”
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Cancer - My Chemical Romance
Monday, September 6, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
The (Abandoned) Richest Country of The World
this mine has been producing 7,3 MILLIONS tons of copper and 724,7 MILLIONS tons of gold. I (the writer: Suranegara) tried to convert that amount by the current price of gold per gram, let's say it's IDR 300.000, multiplied by 724,7 millions tons or 724.700.000.000.000 gram, equals IDR 217.410. !!! Could anybody please help me to read those freakin' numbers?
Well, it was just the gold. We haven't count the copper and the other materials. Then, who manages this SUPER mine? Not the country itself, it's The USA!!! The percentage is 1% for the land owner country and 99% for USA as the owner of technology to manage the mine. Even when gold and copper started becoming less and less, 400 meters under the layers, they found a kind of substance that costs 100 times more expensive than gold: URANIUM, the main material for making nuclear fuel. For your information, we can go round the earth by a small car with only 2 grams of uranium! It isn't clear yet, how much exactly uranium is under there, but the latest news said that according to the experts, the amount of uranium substance there is enough to light up this whole world by a nuclear electric generator. Free port has been giving a lot of advantage for a few government officers, generals, and filthy politicians, who could enjoy their charmed life above this country's poverty. They're not better than bloodsuckers!
Compared to those middle eastern countries which have pouring oil, this particular country surely is way richer. The fact is, oil is non-renewable resources, someday they would run out of it, and soon they'll be poor countries because they don't have soil as fertile as this country's that almost anything can grow here.
7. This country has exotic landscape yet again, none other countries can compare, from the top of the mountain until deep down under the sea.
This country is very rich! There's no other country as rich as it is! But...what is happening???
Yes, this country is INDONESIA.
for EXXON MOBIL OIL, FREEPORT, SHELL, PETRONAS and all of the GOVERNMENT OFFICERS who sold national property for foreigner's wealth, THANK YOU GUYS ALL..
Here's a story that may reflect Indonesia now, enjoy:
the title is: When God created Indonesia.
...One day, God smiled when He was looking at a planet He’d just created. The angel asked, “What did you just create, God?” “Look, I’ve just created a blue planet named The Earth,” said God while he added some clouds above Amazon forest. God continued, “This would be the most wonderful planet I’ve ever created. In this new planet, everything will occur in balance.” Then God explained to Angel about Europe. In the northern part of Europe, God created potential and pleasant ground like England, Scotland, and France. But in that part, God also created torturously cold weather. In the southern part of Europe, God put little bit poor people, just like in Spain and Greece, but the sun shines so warm with exotic landscape in Gibraltar strain. Then the Angel pointed at a form of archipelago and shouted, “then what is that, God?”. “Oh, that.” God answered. “That is Indonesia. A very rich and beautiful country on the planet. There’s a million kinds of flora and fauna I’ve created there. Billions of ready-harvested fish, and lot of sunlight and rain. I put there, also friendly and helpful various people. They love their culture and arts. The Angel got confused, he asked, “You said that everything will occur in balance on this earth. But why is Indonesia full of good things? where are the bad things? where is the balance?” and then God finally answered, “Wait until you see the idiots I put in the government.”...